Help Fix the Feedburner Subscriber Count Problem

| Filed under: Opinion, Social Media 37

If you are a blogger or an avid reader of blogs, you are probably well aware of the ongoing problems with the RSS subscription service, Feedburner. While Feedburner has always had its problems, over the past few months the variations in Feedburner subscriber stats have been so erratic, they can no longer be trusted. I have seen subscriber counts fluctuate 50-70% on any given day. Many other bloggers have also reported on the same issues with huge Feedburner fluctuations. This… Read more

HOW TO: Use Facebook Advertising to Get More Clients

| Filed under: Social Media 16

If you would like to know how we secured more clients for our business using Facebook advertising – read on. Having become a little bit disgruntled with the rising cost of Google Adwords, I recently ran a 2 week micro-test of Facebook advertising. The rules were simple: 2 weeks, budget of $4 per day – see how many client we could secure. The results were outstanding. Three new clients in 2 weeks – all due to Facebook advertising, at the… Read more